What's the best cardiovascular exercise to lose weight?
- The simple answer is anything that you will enjoy doing.
- Many exercise participants create undue stress for themselves trying to find the "magic exercise" that burns the most calories in the shortest period of time. The reality is that this is only a short term solution. Your body is incredibly adaptive which requires you to change your workout (both Cardio and Resistance) on a regular basis.
- A suggestion would be to start with the exercise that you enjoy the most and manipulate/increase the intensity for 3-4 weeks. There are multiple ways to alter intensity within a cardio workout.
- You could:
- Go slower for 1 minute then faster for one minute and repeat/
- You could increase the resistance for a short time and force your body to work harder - repeat.
- Begin to manipulate the time and intensity during these workouts.
- At that point you will be ready to change your mode and force the body to start adjusting to something new. This will keep you burning the most calories in every workout.
- Switch from your current machine to something different.
- Treadmill to Elliptical
- Elliptical to Stair Climber
- You get the idea...
Same = Same
Change = Change
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Change your workout frequently. Your fitness results will improve. |
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