Change your Fitness Dictionary
I have begun a petition! It is to remove one word from the dictionary. Let’s see if you agree…
Contraction of cannot
Negative form of can
Can someone please explain to me how this word has risen to such absolute Diction Stardom? This is the most overused word in our language. Name one positive thing that has EVER happened with this word at the start of a sentence… Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Here are a few synonyms of can’t. (Now this is a list of winners!) Synonyms: anxious, blue, can’t win*, cynical, dejected, depressed, desperate, downcast, frantic, hopeless, miserable, melancholy, no-win, sad*...I think you get the point.
A very wise man once said, “There is no try, there is only do.” I believe it was Mr. Miagi from The Karate Kid or Yoda from Star Wars. Either way, that guy had it right. I do not care if your goal is to get huge and take up as much space on this planet as possible, if it’s to get small and take up as little space as possible or if it’s to remain the same size and just get from one point to another faster - there is no CAN’T!
You may have tried numerous methods to help you attain these goals before. If you failed then you have figured out one more way that does not work for you. The only sure thing is that if you stop trying then you are virtually assured of not succeeding. Do not give up! Get mad, get psyched and get moving!
I see people with 3 main goals: Get big! Get small! Or get healthy! We jump on a treadmill and walk to nowhere aimlessly for a few months until we get bored and stop or we will lift up heavy things that do not need to be moved multiple times in an attempt to make us big and strong. We all start this process with a high level of motivation:
the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior.
Providing incentive.
I also see other common traits when it comes to fitness: we eventually stop! Whether we are bored, our program is not working as quickly as we would like or not at all, or we are confused about what to do next, we stop searching for a solution because the ‘solution’ that we chose no longer provides the stimulus it once did. One recommendation thatWILL make a difference in maintaining your level of motivation is small group training. Training in small groups offers 3 distinct advantages over trying to workout on your own:
Competitiveness and Camaraderie
The above leads to Energy. When you work harder you burn more calories in a shorter time. If your goal is fat loss then this concept helps a great deal. If your goal is muscle gain then you can create a bigger response to the exercise. This is a Win – Win.
You will do more! I promise you that you will do more under the direction of one of our trainers than you ever will alone. The “I can’t” or “I don’t think I can” attitude will disappear and you will just do it…every time. No excuses, no let down, just achievement. Think like a winner and act like a winner. When you do not feel like showing up, show up anyway and do it. When you feel like showing up, show up and blow the doors off the place. Second, there are a few classes and private training sessions that will help you get moving and bust through anything you feel is holding you back. Make a deal with your self that you will try a new class or take a session with a personal trainer every month. Make it a point to look for activities that you have not tried before.
Now that we have discussed the ways to overcome the “can't” in our vocabulary, let’s add these words to our vernacular instead.
-auxiliary verb
to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to: I’m sure
to know how to
To have to power or means to
The faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control the mind has over its own actions
Power of choosing one’s own actions
Purpose or determination
You have to believe that you can and will succeed.
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