Sunday, October 23, 2011

Better Bad Food Choices 

Dieting is hard so we recommend that you do not do it! 
Most diets are focused on restrictive methods of calorie control, or tout eliminating certain foods or food groups to achieve desired weight loss.  Most individuals cannot be successful with these methods long-term. The “Better Bad” system is designed to enable you to make better (relatively) food choices and control your food intake in a Realistic, Progressive and Maintainable way.

Trimming a little bit of calories here and there can do wonders for your weight and health.  It is not always about eating less; sometimes it is about eating smarter.  Skimming off calories is easier than you think.  Challenge yourself to implement one new strategy everyday for eating and one for exercise. All it takes are several small efforts to help trim excess calories. Choose a few strategies and you will eat approximately 100 calories less daily. Burn 100 calories more daily by walking for 20 minutes and that adds up to ½ pound per week.  This may not sound like much, but, it all adds up to 20 pounds in a year.
The more BBFC’s you incorporate the more calories (pounds) you will lose.  Small changes will yield HUGE results.

A few methods of a BBFC are:
Portion Control – Eat the same foods that you have been but reduce the amount by 10%

Food Switch – While at a restaurant or fast food establishment make a different selection based on taste, health needs and calorie needs.   A great example would be if you are in the habit of choosing an 800 calories Double Cheeseburger, your choice would be a Fried Chicken Sandwich at 600 calories.  This is not a perfect choice, but it is BETTER by 200 calories and most likely lower in sodium and Total Fat.

Food Frequency - Track the poor food choices you make and the frequency that you eat them.  Your goal is to eat fewer poor choices and decrease the frequency of their consumption.

This can be performed for liquids too.

Application: What can you choose differently while eating away from home this week?

Better Bad Food Choices
Surprise Exercise
Minimize Damage

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