This is a simple but tricky

A Healthy Weight Loss plan provides
nutrition for your body and movement to energize you to feel your best. It is a
diet rich in grains, fruits, veggies and healthy fats. It is an eating style
that includes foods, not eliminates them. It is an active lifestyle that gives
you fuel and energy to live your best life.
Who should you trust to give you Fitness Advice?
HOW do you achieve Healthy Weight Loss?
Who should you trust to give you Fitness Advice?
HOW do you achieve Healthy Weight Loss?
- Healthy Weight Loss focuses on... healthy patterns.
- Healthy Weight Loss focuses on the long-term outcomes, not instant gratification.
- Healthy Weight Loss allows you to be flexible, not rigid in your food and exercise selections.
- Healthy Weight Loss allows for setbacks and does not provide punishment for a poor choice or temporary loss of focus.
- Healthy Weight Loss focuses on caring for your physical, mental and emotional needs, not punishing yourself for not being perfect.
- Healthy Weight Loss is slow and steady.
- Healthy Weight Loss is allows you to eat out at restaurants, not sit home alone obsessed with following a "diet".
- Healthy Weight Loss allows you to feel good about yourself and know that you are making great changes for your life, not that you are sacrificing and restricting your choices.
- Healthy Weight Loss includes all foods, not limiting the "magical fattening" foods or avoiding entire food groups (Dairy, Wheat, Carbohydrates etc…).
- Healthy Weight Loss includes strength training to boost your metabolism, help your posture and allow you to enjoy more food.
- Healthy Weight Loss is balanced.
- Healthy Weight Loss is intelligent and planned, it avoids fads and falling for "miracles".
- Healthy Weight Loss is a way of life. Your new life.

In this new life, you would:
- Know that you have control over many things but do not have control over everything.
- Focus on obtaining fruits, veggies, fiber and protein from your food choices.
- Focus on moving more simply for the sake of moving.
- Focus on reading and learning to build your "brain muscle".
- Focus on trying new recipes and finding activities to do with your family and friends.
- Focus on your relationship with yourself and with others.
Healthy Weight Loss is a journey to
a new lifestyle. Enjoy it.
To your Health,
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