Your impulsiveness is costing you your goals
Your impulsiveness is costing you your goalsYour impatience and reactive decision making are two major causes of not reaching and maintaining your goals. Consider how many times you have begun down a path only to change direction on a whim based on your mood and a fleeting feeling or scale fluctuation.
There is a major difference between A) acting with persistence and deciveness while maintaining flexibility in your plan and B) Reacting to every negative feeling and situation by altering your course.
Learn the difference to change your life. -R. DeVito

You'll need to learn more tools for your toolbox and learn to utilize those tools at different times based upon your needs. Aligning your thoughts with your reactions will be a vital component to offsetting those feelings of anxiety and doom.
If your success program does not include strategies to deal with all of the obstacles we ALL tend to deal with from time to time then reevaluate your program. Give yourself a reality check, make a flexible and complete plan and get consistent with your emotions and actions.
You must accept that you need to UNlearn certain things and learn other NEW things in order to have a different persepective and life.
Stay Positive - Plan Ahead - Rebound from Setbacks
If you have reached the point of total frustration and confusion and want to begin the process of learning to create real, long-term success in your weight loss, wellness and life then here a few resources for you:
In the Northern New Jersey area you should come and work with us at the IFS Weight Loss and Lifestyle Centers. Here is 14 days free to get you started. You will be among people that have been and are struggling just like you and will provide all of the Support, Commitment, Education and Motivation to aid you in getting started and maintaining the path to success.
Everyone KNOWS that they must Move More and Eat Better to get results. But, if it were that simple you would have gotten there and stayed there already. You may have "dieted" or exercised with minimal and unmaintainable success before. Now is your time to put all of the pieces togehter for a complete Wellness and Fitness Program.
Read what your Friends have to say!
If you are not in the NNJ area, then look into We will provide you the coaching and the tools to be successful from a distance. You have nothing to lose. There is a substantial amount of free content to help you and complete Wellness and Fat Loss Programs to redirect your life and understanding of what it takes to succeed.
Yours in health,
Robert J DeVito
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